



Directed by Mike Diva, Co-Directed & Edited by Sam Shapson


A man locked in a room faces inter-dimensional terror. Shot for the Guillermo Del Toro & Legendary pictures "House of Horrors" competition. 

Directed by Mike Diva

Co-Directed by Sam Shapson

Cinematography by Jan-Michael Losada
Starring Nick Gregorio
Produced by Maxwell James

Written by: Mike Dahlquist, Jan-Michael Losada, Sam Shapson, George "Maddox" Oz, Jackson Lanzig, Collin Kelly

Story by Mike Dahlquist and Jan-Michael Losada

Edited by: Sam Shapson

Nick Gregorio
Ruben Pla
Dough Olsson

Shot at the YouTube Space "House of Horrors" in association with Legendary Entertainment.